Your location
Pialba QLD 4655
Your nearest store is
Hervey Bay
Stratco is one of the largest producers and marketers of quality building and home improvement products in Australia with a network of stores throughout the country.
Leaf Eater Stream Original 90mm
Leaf Eater Stream Shield 90mm
Leaf Eater Stream with The Hood 90mm
Leaf Eater Ultra
$68.99 EA
Mozzie Stoppa 90mm Easy Clean
$13.99 EA
Mozzie Stoppa Removable Screen 90mm
Mozzie Stoppa Screen 90mm M/F
$3.49 EA
Quickfit Downpipe Diverter Round 90/100mm
Rain Barrel Linking Kit
Low stock
Rain Harvesting Temporary Downpipe 100mm x 25m Roll
$25.99 EA
Rainwater Tank Level Gauge
$31.99 EA $19.95 EA
Tank Screen Strainer - 300mm
$18.99 EA